Our Advisory professionals offer solution on the back of in-depth understanding of the business environment, potential challenges and
opportunities. We bring together insights-based innovative solutions to deliver strategic advisory to clients across range of industries
Accounting advisory services
- Accounting advice for complex transactions (viz. M&A, corporate restructuring, financial instruments, leasing, etc.) along with providing insights of the relevant accounting standards and best industry practice
- Assist in evaluating new/ potential contract from accounting impact perspective and suggesting changes
- Assistance in preparation of accounting manual
- Assistance in preparation/restatement of financial statements under Ind-AS/ IFRS/ US-GAAP/ BAS/ BFRS/ IGAAP
- GAAP conversion (from local GAAP to Ind AS, BAS, IFRS or US GAAP, and vice versa) including systems and tax support
- Assistance in closure of statutory audit by providing requisite support using our expertise and vast experience of audits
- Advice on new accounting pronouncements

Risk Advisory Service
Internal financial control Implementation and support:
- Scoping documentation
- Preparation of Risk and Control Matrices (RCM)
- Testing Design & Implementation and Operating Effectiveness of controls
- Gap identification and proper mitigation
- Gap identification and proper mitigation
SOX compliance assistance and testing of controls
Internal Audit & Support
- Full scope internal audit as envisaged under Companies Act
- Internal audit of unit/ branch
- Internal audit/ management audit as agreed upon
- Physical verification of inventories
- Physical verification of fixed assets

Technology Solutions
- Review design and implementation of IT general control (ITGC) and suggestion changes
- Review of Segregation of duties (SOD) and monitoring
- Review of automated controls
- Other agreed upon tech solution related service
Management Consulting
- Preparing the policies and procedure manuals, i.e., Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual
- Assistance in preparation and maintenance of cost records
- Due diligence exercise
- Forensic Audit
- Cost Optimization Studies
- Valuation services

Acquisition support
Handholding support to incoming management in case of business acquisition especially under IBC as follows:
- Aligning chart of accounts
- Aligning accounting policy as per group
- Assistance in accounting for business combination or asset acquisition as per IFRS/ Ind-AS
- Restating acquired company’s financials as per approved resolution plan
- Assist in drafting resolution plan