Business Services and Outsourcing
Our Business Services and Outsourcing professionals provide companies with a range of accounting, advisory and compliance services
to support growth and cater to changing needs within local and global markets

Training & Workshops
- Ind AS/ IFRS/ BFRS implementation and upskilling of employee's workshop
- Trainings on various technical matters including Ind AS, IFRS, BFRS, Auditing standards, Companies Act, etc.
- Preparation of training guides/ modules/ materials for internal training needs of group companies
Outsourcing and Offshoring
- Finance & Accounts Outsourcing
- Supporting compliance management like TDS return filing, personal return filing, SEBI reporting, MCA reporting, etc.
- Processing Outsourcing / Offshoring
- GL reconciliations (Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annually)
- Vendor/ customer reconciliation
- Payroll processing services
- MIS preparation service
- Maintenance of fixed asset register